2024 09 11 19 val. Vilniaus fotografijos galerija (rūsys), Stiklių g.4
Middle Ground is a series of panoramic photographs from Lithuania, made during the years 2014-2024, by British photographer Joe Wood. Fundamentally the project aims to deliver an unusual and authentic picture of the young country during an eventful decade, which included the 25th anniversary of the reinstatement of Lithuanian independence, the arrival of the Euro currency, the corona pandemic and the war in Ukraine. Moments of national significance are recorded alongside smaller moments from everyday life, with an emphasis on action in the street and public spaces, including by a range of people trying to shape the country's trajectory at what seems to be a global inflection point. Project shot on a 35mm Hasselblad Xpan camera using colour negative film from both Fuji and Kodak. Mostly he has used high speed film to enable shutter speeds over 250th of a second for handheld photography with a deeper depth of field. www.joe-wood.eu ----------------- This event is part of 7th Vilnius Analog Photography and Film Festival.
Susitikime penktadienį 19 val. prie Vilniaus fotografijos galerijos (Stiklių g. 4) ir leisimės pokalbiui į rūsį. |
2018 - 2024Vilniaus Archives
September 2024